[AWO] Summaries

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First Season Summaries

Shown below are summaries of Episodes 11-30, the first real "season" of Another Way Out, after the "early episodes".

Episode 30 (24-Mar-97): The Young and the Rescue, 911

 Victor spars with the GC hospital staff.
 Kurt has a chat with the local fire department.
 Phyllis makes a deal with the police.

Episode 29 (20-Mar-97): Skirting the Law

 Has innocent skirt-chasing led to murder?
 A minor skirmish over a major skirt!
 Grace's quest homes in on the outskirts of Madison.

Episode 28 (11-Mar-97): The Why-Files

 A strange length pregnancy arouses suspicion.
 A looming infestation delayed.
 Two two-faced ghosts leave Helen aghast.

Episode 27 (06-Mar-97): Fresh Starts

 Jack and Jill Tell Victor It Was No Big Deal.
 Nikki Plans Another Last-Minute Dinner.
 Mary Lessens Pressure on Paul and Cricket.

Episode 26 (01-Mar-97): Sweep Week

 Kurt Resolves to End Ashley's Concerns about Him.
 Joanie Prepares for Phyllis's Absence.
 Dru Consults a Marriage Counselor.
 Lynn Takes Office Tidying to Heart.

Episode 25 (28-Feb-97): Found out!

 Sharon finds herself confronting her worst fears.
 Joshua finds himself confronting Victor.
 Esther tries to find Kate.
 Nick is told to find a clean shirt.

Episode 24 (22-Feb-97): Crazy About You

 Skirted sib-in-law outlaws skirt the law.
 A frozen emission proves a one-time commission.
 Amidst a hubbub, a strange hub becomes an estranged bub.

Episode 23 (14-Feb-97): Arrivals and Departures

 Sharon's baby arrives.
 Nick readies to depart.
 Victor departs.

Episode 22 (12-Feb-97): All Dressed Up With No Place To Go

 Nikki Seeks to Expand Her Horizons.
 Nicholas Plans His Escape from Victor.
 Dru Dresses Up for Her Man.

Episode 21 (10-Feb-97): Just Give Me Some Space

 Miguel Fixes Take-Out Lunches.
 Nick and Sharon Take Off.
 A Take-Over Attempt is Discovered.

Episode 20 (05-Feb-97): Head over Heels

 Neil Continues to be a Heel.
 Dru Heads for Home.
 Company Head Keith Dennison Explains Jill's New Role.
 Jack Vows He'll Heal Jill's Ills
   with Crusade for Gender Equity.

Episode 19 (02-Feb-97): Justice is Served

 Nick and Sharon struggle for survival.
 Nick tries to frame his sister.
 Little Victor rescues a stray dog.
 Victor shows who's boss at the Private Dining Room.

Episode 18 (01-Feb-97): Business, As Usual

 Peter, visiting Phyllis, gets right down to business.
 Hope tries again to make Victor's business her own.
 Neil faces the responsibility of his monkey business.
 Olivia takes time out from her busy-ness
   to stop by the hospital.
 Mary, unable to mind her own business,
   needles Cricket about a baby.

Episode 17 (25-Jan-97): Dust Funnies

 What major character bites the dust?
 What of a minor character who wipes the dust?
 What character minor stirs the dust?

Episode 16 (21-Jan-97): A Lively Episode--Not!

 Ashley learns the deadly truth about Kurt
 Cricket offers Danny a wedding present to die for
 A killer new image for Jabot

Episode 15 (18-Jan-97): Questionable Accidents

 Paul and Cricket--haunted even now about that car accident?
 Dru and Neil--can an accident bring them together?
 Jack and Jill--just an accident waiting to happen?

Episode 14 (10-Jan-97): Visiting Hour

 Nathan Gets a Visitor.
 Cricket Gets a Visitor.
 Nikki Gets a Visitor.
 Carl Gets a Visitor.

Episode 13 (07-Jan-97): Crime-Time Lineup

 New clues for an age-old crime.
 A new crime for some age-old clues.
 Age-old cluelessness that's a crime itself.

Episode 12 (03-Jan-97): The I's Have It

 Tony and Grace finally see eye to eye.
 Lynn says aye-aye to a chance for a holiday bonus.
 Will it be "I do" or "I did" for Phyllis?
 GC's most personable private eye gets
   a most personal private eyeing.

Episode 11 (27-Dec-96): Holiday Spirits

 A Christmas Hope.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1996-1998, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.

The ``Another Way Out'' series is NOT affiliated with, nor is it authorized by: The Young and the Restless, CBS-TV or Sony Pictures.