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Episode 25 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 25:

Sharon finds herself confronting her worst fears

How could I resist. We've been waiting and waiting. I and everyone I know keeps asking when she's going to pop. So I had to write something around the idea. It looks like this plot is eventually going to try to go somewhere, but I do wish it would hurry up. By my count, Sharon is over 9 months pregnant. In spite of what she wrote on the form in September or October when she went to the abortion clinic, she didn't have her last period July 15. Deja News records people saying that she seemed worried on June 10 that it was 5 weeks since her last period, so I think she was pregnant in mid February.

Joshua finds himself confronting Victor

I've been wanting to write something explaining why Nikki never goes out. This little online affair with `Sam' seemed like one possibility--maybe I'll find others. But even if I do, this might not be the last we see of Sam.

Esther tries to find Kate

It's been bothering me and others what has happened to Kate. I think a plotline that shows Esther to be a not-very-attentive parent would be good. I think once you bother to give someone a child on the show, you have some obligation to occasionally behave as if the child exists. Otherwise, Esther's character seems very plastic. Give her a life. (I have more ideas on that, but they'll have to wait until another day.)

Nick is told to find a clean shirt

This is one I've been expecting to see for a while. Nick is obviously very friendly toward Grace--he just needs a simple catalyst, and this was the obvious one. I like Grace, but her plot line seems to go nowhere. I hope they get her involved in something more interesting soon! I don't really see her with Victor, but it has been hinted, and at this point I'm so desperate to see her plotline move along that I'm warming even to that idea. But for now, getting Nick `innocently' involved with Grace seemed like it had some possibilities.

That's all for Episode 25's morals. Don't miss Episode 26 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.