In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 23:
I've gotten so tired of Nick saying ``As soon as the baby comes, we're going to take off.'' The scene of the delivery here is a metaphor for how that sounds to me.
And, besides, it gave me an excuse to have Nick in the hospital for the other scene. Getting people to be in the right place at the right time is part of the art of this.
I've been pushing for Victor to step down for a long time. The desire to stop Nick's departure seemed like the sort of situation where it could believably be made to happen by one last desperate move--Victor's retirement. Of course, the part about the hospital bed is just staged for humor/suspense, but then Y&R hasn't been beyond such humor. The "Victor's Second Coming" series where he rose from the dead was one of the finest plotlines Y&R has ever done, I thought. This scene was offered in fond memory of that.
That's all for Episode 23's morals.
Don't miss Episode 24
and its morals!
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Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman.
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