In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 10:
I just think Mary really needs either therapy or a girlfriend. She has no life of her own, and she seems unattracted to men. She just wants to interact with women vicariously through Paul. She's got some definite baggage to work out.
There are some big opportunities for comedy being missed here by not having Danny interact directly with Tim in both his guises. I've rushed things slightly here to make it all happen in one episode, when really it could stretch out over several, but I hope it gives the idea of the kind of thing we're missing out on...
Geez, why does everyone salute when Victor manipulates their lives. Yes, some people have to because they can't afford not to, but Nina is independently wealthy and if Ryan cared about her, he'd give up his job for her. With as much as Victor hates him, his professional future is not with Jabot anyway.
And Victor needs to be taken down a notch or two in his belief that he owns everyone.
That's all for Episode 10's morals.
Don't miss Episode 11
and its morals!
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Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1996, Kent M. Pitman.
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