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Episode 54 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 54:

When Bug and Bird butt heads, whose chirp will win out?

I wanted the Bug and Michael to go head to head in court, and I heard rumor it's going to happen on the show. But I'm bothered about this because I don't see how Michael can practice law if he had a felony conviction; and if he didn't have a felony conviction, I don't understand how he could have been in prison for years. Anyway, I wanted it to look legit.

Is Phyllis cagey enough to beat the Bug at her own game?

There was something especially exciting about the idea of not only having Michael beat the Bug, but not having her know it. He gets the satisfaction of winning, but the Bug gets the humiliation of being beaten by someone she doesn't even think is her equal. It was too good to resist.

Will the Bug's plans to free Danny fly, or lay an egg?

In the end, though, I just can't be satisfied with an ending wherein Danny leaves his little boy. Everything Danny is and has done over the years (as testified to here in court) suggests Danny is not the sort to let this kind of thing break up a marriage. He's stronger than that. He's more morally upright than that. He would stick it out, even if he didn't like it. And in this case, there's every reason to suppose he could live with it happily. So the entire plotline seems dumb to me, and this was my `proof' of its dumbness.

The real sad thing here is that this plotline is probably most dumb to those who have been watching longest, and who know who Danny really is. It's a shame to see long-time viewers' sensibilities ignored for the sake of a cheap plot `win'. Wake up, writers! This is a recipe for having long-time viewers give up, since they can always rejoin later (if they even care) with the comfort of knowing that history of the show is unimportant, and so it doesn't matter what they've missed.

That's all for Episode 54's morals. Don't miss Episode 55 and its morals!
If you missed any older episodes, see the index.

Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 1997, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.