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Episode 141 Morals

In plain English, these are the morals from Episode 141:

Won't Sharon be ill when she finds whose baby she's conceived?

Could the show have been any more obvious about the looming threat of a baby other than Nick's? Nick's "does it look like me?" and the remarks about her having been abused... The only question is: when did it happen? We here at AWO central are torn about this because yes, technically, it could have happened when Matt and Sharon were alone. Maybe he did something but didn't film it, then was going to do more and got interrupted there. But this smells of the same kind of retroactive rewrite that happened with Nina/Cole some years back... Maybe it's not. Maybe it was planned at the time and just badly directed. I can't quite tell. But it's bothering me somehow.

Also, I'm sorry for giving it short shrift here in the story, but I wanted to set up the idea that since Trisha is becoming the new Sheila, maybe she should be preggers. Maybe, in fact, the voice of Marter is really a psychic connection with her child. Maybe Sharon will get Marter haunting her now, too? But the idea of somehow getting Trisha to want to swap babies, and with all the Marter offspring around, ending up with one of the same kind rather than the kind she wanted, was at least fun to contemplate... Perhaps they could rename the town Marterville with Marter and his tiny ilk popping up all over.

Will Olivia find herself taking ill?

My girlfriend's been veritably screaming about the bug up Olivia's--well, you know--for so long that we finally both agreed that this had to be dealt with directly. Surgery seemed to me the simplest way. Give the woman a life, will ya, writers? If we fans are still willing to believe that you have it in you to write a decent plot for Olivia, you should at least be willing to give Olivia the same kind of ability to reach deep within herself and remember the faith she once had in Malcolm.

Would Paul be ill-at-ease to learn what Mary tells Isabella about her evil ways?

I don't know what put me to this. Maybe it's Dr. Laura having given up her "evil ways" and mounted her campaign to tell everyone they can't start off as confused as she was or they won't end up as pure as she is. But somehow I decided there needs to be more of Mary's character than just knitting and cooking. I think everyone expects Mary to be horrified here, but it would be more fun if this gave her a chance to talk about her life before the church.

Could just watching the Glow by Jabot house on the web make someone from the Newman household ill?

I know--it's a small point. But still: I can't believe they went to the trouble to bring in a character with a Hispanic background and then made everyone--even him--pronounce his name so bizarrely.

That's all for Episode 141's morals. Don't miss Episode 142 and its morals!
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Page created and maintained by Kent M. Pitman.
Copyright 2001, Kent M. Pitman. All Rights Reserved.